Re: Fix for Linux/AIX login hole

Doug McLaren (
Mon, 23 May 94 13:29:53 -0500

In article <>,
   serge@Princeton.EDU writes:

>A colleague sent me the following note:

>> A less painful (for the system modification unaware) way to lock it up on
>> an AIX machine is:
>>    1. Enter SMIT (as root)
>>    2. Follow this path:
>>       Security & Users
>>       Users
>>       Change / Show Characteristics of a User
>>       User NAME (enter root)
>>    3. Change "User can RLOGIN" to false
>>    4. Click "Do"

That doesn't stop the fact that instead of '-froot' you can use
'-f<any other user>' and it will let you in as them instead of root.

Instead of leaving the door wide open, it's now just open a crack, but
it's still not locked.

--- Doug McLaren,
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